Asymmetric mechanotransduction by hair cells of the zebrafish lateral line (Part 2/2)
In the lateral line system, water motion is detected by neuromast organs, fundamental units that are arrayed on a fish's surface. Each neuromast contains hair cells, specialized mechanoreceptors that convert mechanical stimuli, in the form of water movement, into electrical signals. The orientation of hair cells' mechanosensitive structures ensures that the opening of mechanically-gated channels is maximal when deflected in a single direction. In each neuromast organ, hair cells have two opposing orientations, enabling bi-directional detection of water movement. Interestingly, Tmc2b and Tmc2a proteins, which constitute the mechanotransduction channels in neuromasts, distribute asymmetrically so that Tmc2a is expressed in hair cells of only one orientation. Here, using both in vivo recording of extracellular potentials and calcium imaging of neuromasts, we demonstrate that hair cells of one orientation have larger mechanosensitive responses. The associated afferent neuron processes that innervate neuromast hair cells faithfully preserve this functional difference. Moreover, Emx2, a transcription factor required for the formation of hair cells with opposing orientations, is necessary to establish this functional asymmetry within neuromasts. Remarkably, loss of Tmc2a does not impact hair cell orientation but abolishes the functional asymmetry as measured by recording extracellular potentials and calcium imaging. Overall, our work indicates that oppositely oriented hair cells within a neuromast employ different proteins to alter mechanotransduction to sense the direction of water motion.