Published May 31, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

A snapshot of current practices and perceptions of Public & Patient Involvement (PPI) within the Avicenna Alliance

  • 1. Dassault Systèmes
  • 2. Edwards Life Sciences
  • 3. VPH Institute
  • 4. Ansys
  • 5. University of Leeds
  • 6. VCLS
  • 7. University of Liège
  • 8. University of Galway


To better understand the PPI maturity level among AA members before tailoring PPI activities, the PPI TF decided to conduct an AA-internal survey to identify current PPI practices and perceptions within the AA to serve as a guide to the newly established PPI TF for improved targeting of future content and activities in an evidence-based approach.

As a secondary aim, the survey was intended to help raise PPI awareness within the AA by catalysing conversations about the topic.


PPI TF_Survey Report_May 2023_Final.pdf

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