Coordinated Q-V regulation in steam power plant - design of real time simulator
- 1. Electrical Engineering Institute "Nikola Tesla", University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
- 3. Thermal Power Plants Nikola Tesla" Ltd, Obrenovac, Serbia
This paper presents laboratory model of power plant reactive power flow developed for testing and validation of coordinated reactive power voltage (Q-V) control system for steam power plant (SPP) with six generators. The real time simulator (RTS) is based on series of experiments performed on the SPP site. The proposed Q-V controller performs coordinated reactive power terminal voltage (Q-V) regulation task in the steam power plant. This is achieved by adjusting the individual generator reactive power output as fast, and as accurate as possible, following the change in voltage reference value of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of each generator. The Q-V controller inputs are generators' reactive powers (Q) and outputs are up/down commands to AVRs. Developed SPP RTS model therefore, uses up/down commands for setting reference values for AVRs as inputs and Qs as outputs. The SPP RTS responses are verified through series of additional experiments performed in the laboratory and on the SPP site.