Published March 15, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Spiritual Intelligence, Stress Level and Depression among Adolescents

  • 1. DepEd Nueva Ecija, Licab District


Introduction: A person of any religious persuasion can benefit from developing their intrinsic spiritual intelligence (SQ).


Methods: The aim of the study was to examine the spiritual intelligence, stress level, and level of depression among Junior High School students. Using stratified sampling in each grade level, 389 students from two Junior High Schools in Licab District were selected to participate in the study. Each participant was required to complete three standardized tests, including Spiritual Intelligence Self Report Inventory (SISRI-24), Perceived Stress Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Descriptive correlational statistics were used to identify the correlation and significance of the variables to each other, utilizing Pearson’s R.


Results: The results revealed that there is a correlation between the stress level and spiritual intelligence of the students, although it is not strongly correlated. This means that the higher the stress the students experience, the higher the level of spiritual intelligence they exhibit. In contrast, the analysis showed that there is no correlation between spiritual intelligence and depression, indicating that the level of spiritual intelligence does not affect or is not related to the level of depression among the students.


Conclusions: Lastly, the findings revealed that the students' perceived stress level is strongly correlated with their level of depression. In other words, students who experience higher levels of stress may exhibit higher levels of depression.


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