Published March 15, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Overview of the Barrow Island Land Seismic Acquisition and 4D Processing of the First Gorgon CO2 Time-Lapse Monitor Survey

  • 1. Chevron,
  • 2. Chevron,
  • 3. Chevron,
  • 4. Chevron,


The Gorgon CO2 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project on Barrow Island is an integral part of Chevron's Green House Gas (GHG) reduction targets and Lower Carbon objectives. This presentation gives an overview of the land acquisition and 4D processing of the 2021 seismic monitor survey conducted for reservoir surveillance and characterisation of the injected CO2. To understand the objectives of this project and to set the scene for this overview the audience will be taken back to reflect on the acquisition history. Following this the presentation will outline the acquisition hurdles of acquiring land seismic on a remote island Class A nature reserve and show key acquisition and processing results and summarise the lessons learned and conclusions of the campaign. This is the first time-lapse seismic imaging of at least six surveys planned over the life of the carbon capture and sequestration project designed to minimise the impact to the environment on the Barrow Island Class A Nature Reserve.


Open-Access Online Publication: May 29, 2023



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