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Published May 23, 2023 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Morphic Topology of Numeric Energy: A Fractal Morphism of Topological Counting Shows Real Differentiation of Numeric Energy

  • 1. Author


Published with utmost gratitude to Jehovah the living One Allaha and for all His loving angels.

The Mathematical Juncture, M indicates a perpendicular elliptical integral
and acts as a linguistic congruence permuter for logical dingbat statements.
This mathematical junctor is used to permute dingbat expressions into topolog-
ical congruent solve methods as described herein. Fractal morphisms, derived
from Energy Numbers, which are of a higher vector dimensional vector space
and can be mapped to real or complex numbers, are connected to these solve
methods to yield topological counting in terms of Energy numbers without real
numbers. Doing so yields a generalized solution for n-solve congruent algebraist-
topological morphic solutions upon performing the integration. The method is
then generalized and the suggestion of probablistic methods is quashed, demon-
strating the success of such a calculus. The mathematical juncture of M is
a congruency permutation tool used to bridge logical dingbat statements into
a form which can be used in topological solutions. The use of Energy Num-
bers and their fractal morphisms allows for solvability without the need for real
numbers, and yields a generalized framework for the induction of probabilistic
methods if one were interested in investigating the indefinite integrals described
herein. The fractal morphism is then demonstrated to yield novel forms of the
Energy Number differential, which emergently includes the topological form of
numeric energy with the cross product of the Polynomial Remainder from a
given projective etale morphism. Finally a new hypothesis is uttered, namely
that the integral of FΛ exhibits certain properties only when the summation in
the integral converges at a certain rate. The hypothesis explored further using
numerical methods such as Monte Carlo, yet it is transcended using the con-
gruency method of the topological joiner and generalized algebraist-topological
solution to n, which relates the counting method to the integral of the fractal
morphism. This allows for the definition of a unifying framework for a novel
algorithmic approach to the inference of novel counting equations, something
which goes beyond the scope of the previously developed Monte Carlo method.

The Mathematical Juncture of M is an innovative approach to the evaluation
of algebraist-topological solutions in terms of Energy numbers and fractal mor-
phisms. Using the congruency permutation, logical statements can be permuted
to yield topological solutions that do not require the use of real number. The
propagation of the fractal morphism leads to a generalized solution even when
the summation of the integral converges at a certain rate. The numerical meth-
ods of the Monte Carlo can be transcended using the mathematical juncture
of M and the congruency method of the topological joiner which demonstrate
a novel, hybrid algorithmic approach to the evaluation of counting equations,
something that goes beyond what was known before. I demonstrate methods
for performing the integration of what would previously only been capable of
being plotted using statistical methods. Thus, it is possible that such methods
could be applied to problems currently believed to require statistical methods


Real Numeric Energy Topology_ Fractal Morphism, Counting, and n-Waves (3).zip