There is a newer version of the record available.

Published May 23, 2023 | Version v2.3.0
Software Open

HobnobMancer/cazy_webscraper: v2.3.0

  • 1. University of St Andrews
  • 2. University of Strathclyde


What's Changed

Full Changelog:

New in version 2.3.0

  • Downloading protein data from UniProt is several magnitudes faster than before - and should have fewer issues with using older version of bioservices
    • Uses bioservices mapping to map directly from NCBI protein version accession to UniProt
    • cw_get_uniprot_data not longer calls to NCBI and thus no longer requires an email address as a positional argument
  • Updated database schema: Changed Genbanks 1--* Uniprots to Genbanks *--1 Uniprots. Uniprots.uniprot_id is now listed in the Genbanks table, instead of listing Genbanks.genbank_id in the Uniprots table

  • Retrieve taxonomic classifications from UniProt

    • Use the --taxonomy/-t flag to retrieve the scientific name (genus and species) for proteins of interest
    • Adds downloaded taxonomic information to the UniprotsTaxs table
  • Improved clarrification of deleting old records when using cw_get_uniprot_data

    • Separate arguments to delete Genbanks-EC number and Genbanks-PDB accession relationships that are no longer listed in UniProt for those proteins in the local CAZyme database for proteins whom data is downloaded from UniProt
    • New args:
      • --delete_old_ec_relationships = deletes Genbank(protein)-EC number relationships no longer in UniProt
      • --delete_old_ecs = deletes EC numbers in the local db not linked to any proteins
      • --delete_old_pdb_relationships = deletes Genbank(protein)-PDB relationships no longer in UniProt
      • --delete_old_pdbs = deletes PDB accessions in the local db not linked to any proteins
  • Retrieve the local db schema

    • New command cw_get_db_schema added.
    • Retrieves the SQLite schema of a local CAZyme database and prints it to the terminal
  • Added option to skip retrieving the latest taxonomic classifications NCBI taxonomies

    • By default, when retreiving data from CAZy, cazy_webscraper retrieves the latest taxonomic classifications for proteins listed under multiple tax
    • To increase scrapping time, and to reduce burden on the NCBI-Entrez server, if this data is not needed (e.g. GTDB taxs will be use) this step can be skipped by using the new --skip_ncbi_tax flag.
    • When skipping retrieval of the latest taxa classifications from NCBI, cazy_webscraper will add the first taxa retrieved from CAZy for those proteins listed under mutliple taxa



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