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Published May 22, 2023 | Version 1.0
Journal article Open

The structure of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies: a radio and far-infrared polarimetric analysis

  • 1. Stanford University


We propose and apply a method to quantify the morphology of the large-scale ordered magnetic fields (B-fields) in galaxies. This method is adapted from the analysis of Event Horizon Telescope polarization data. We compute a linear decomposition of the azimuthal modes of the polarization field in radial galactocentric bins. We apply this approach to five low-inclination spiral galaxies with both far-infrared (FIR: $154$ \um) dust polarimetric observations taken from the Survey of ExtragALactic magnetiSm with SOFIA (SALSA) and radio ($6$ cm) synchrotron polarization observations. We find that the main contribution to the B-field structure of these spiral galaxies comes from the $m=2$ and $m=0$ modes at FIR wavelengths and the $m=2$ mode at radio wavelengths. The $m=2$ mode has a spiral structure and is directly related to the magnetic pitch angle, while $m=0$ has a constant B-field orientation. The FIR data tend to have a higher relative contribution from other modes than the radio data. The extreme case is NGC~6946: all modes contribute similarly in the FIR, while $m=2$ still dominates in the radio. The average magnetic pitch angle in the FIR data is smaller and has greater angular dispersion than in the radio, indicating that the B-fields in the disk midplane traced by FIR dust polarization are more tightly wound and more chaotic than the B-field structure in the radio, which probes a larger volume. We argue that our approach is more flexible and model-independent than standard techniques, while still producing consistent results where directly comparable.


Python code associated with the decomposition of the linear polarization of B-fields in spiral galaxies.

ArXIV: Surgent et al. 20223:

 Python code was developed by: William Jeffrey Surgent as an undergraduate student at Stanford University.

Points of contact:
William Jeffrey Surgent:
Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez:
Susan Clark:    

-- v1.0: 2023-05-22


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