There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 28, 2023 | Version 3.1.8
Software Open


  • 1. University of Glasgow
  • 2. Lund University / NBI Copenhagen
  • 3. University College London
  • 4. NBI Copenhagen
  • 5. U Bergen
  • 6. CERN
  • 7. CERN / INFN Torino
  • 8. Lund University
  • 9. DESY Hamburg
  • 10. Durham University / CERN
  • 11. Fermilab / U Cincinnati
  • 12. TU Dresden


The Rivet toolkit (Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory) is a system for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. It provides a large (and ever growing) set of experimental analyses useful for MC generator development, validation, and tuning, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analyses.

Rivet is the most widespread way by which analysis code from the LHC and other high-energy collider experiments is preserved for comparison to and development of future theory models. It is used by phenomenologists, MC generator developers, and experimentalists on the LHC and other facilities.


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European Commission
MCnetITN3 – Innovative Network for Monte Carlo Event Generators for LHC Physics 722104