Published June 12, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Accompanying data for the paper "Reduced order modeling of geometrically nonlinear rotating structures using the direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds"

  • 1. Institut des Sciences de la Mécanique et Applications Industrielles, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
  • 2. Politecnico di Milano
  • 3. University of Bristol
  • 4. Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Physiques et Numériques, HESAM Université - Communauté d'universités et d'établissements Hautes écoles Sorbonne Arts et métiers université
  • 5. Imperial College London, Université de Liège




  • English


  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0


  • Adrien MARTIN carried out the main part of study, defined the examples, performed the numerical simulations and drafted the manuscript;
  • Andrea OPRENI and Alessandra VIZZACCARO developed the methodology and built the main parts of the Julia code implementing the reduction method;
  • Andrea OPRENI developed the first version of the HBFEM code which has been updated for rotation in collaboration with Adrien MARTIN;
  • Marielle DEBEURRE performed all the simulations shown in Appendix C related to the Timoshenko beam model with continuation;
  • Loïc SALLES supervised the work, discussed applications to blades, and helped in designing and understanding the twisted plate model;
  • Attilio FRANGI supervised the work and help in the development of the methodology;
  • Olivier THOMAS helped in all discussions related to the comparisons with the thin beam example and wrote Appendix C;
  • Cyril TOUZE supervised the work, carried out most of the writing and developed the methodology;

All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Data collection: period and details

  • Datasets produced between September and December 2022

Funding sources

  • Funding from AID (Agence de l'Innovation de Défense), project REMODEL, contract number 2020 65 0057 ENSTA

Data structure and information

  • Contains the general information concerning this dataset


  • fig_1: description of the rotating beam
  • fig_2(a,b,c,d): Linear characteristics of the rotating cantilever beam
  • fig_3(a,b): FRC of the rotating cantilever beam around 1F mode
  • fig_4: Convergence of the non-autonomous part of DPIM for the 1F mode
  • fig_5(a,b,c,d,e,f): Interpolation of the coefficients of the autonomous ROM
  • fig_6(a,c): Hardening/softening behaviour of the rotating beam; fig 6b is a zoom on fig 6a
  • fig_7(a,b,c): Comparisons of FRCs obtained from interpolated ROMs with FOM solution
  • fig_8a: FRC of the rotating cantilever beam around 2F mode; fig 8b is a zoom of fig 8a
  • fig_9(a,b,c,d): fig 9 a-b-c : geometry of the blade and some modes and static displacements; fig 9d : Campbell diagram of the blade
  • fig_10: FRC of the twisted plate
  • fig_11(a,b,c): Computing time and convergence analysis with respect to mesh refinement for the fan blade

fig_12(a,b,c,d): FRC of interpolated ROMs with increasing degrees compared to reference solution

fig_A_1: Campbell diagram of the beam : impact of Coriolis effects

  • fig_C_3(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i): Comparison of the results on the beam studied between DPIM and article from Thomas for 1F and 2F modes
  • fig_C_2(a, b): Comparison of the results on the beam studied between : DPIM, article from Thomas and results from Debeurre


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