Published January 15, 2023
| Version v2
Replication Package: A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Configurable Safety-critical Systems Based on Product-Line Concepts
- 1. Harz University
Welcome to the public repository for the additional content of the paper "A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Configurable Safety-critical Systems Based on Product-Line Concepts", accepted at the ICSOFT 2023.
This repository provides additional information to the conducted mapping study, including the following files:
- fetched_results_ICSOFT2023.csv: sheet containing all papers fetched from IEEEXplore, Scopus, and the ACM Guide to Computing Literature.
- excluded_paper.csv: sheet containing all excluded papers related to safety-critical systems but not referring to security.
- analysis_sheet_ICSOFT2023.csv: sheet containing information regarding the analysis results of 44 included papers based on the extraction criteria.