Published May 10, 2023 | Version 0.1.0
Software Open

Linked magma ocean-atmosphere redox evolution model

  • 1. SETI Institute


A. The purpose of the software is to calculate the coupled chemical evolution of magma oceans and co-existing atmospheres.

B. The coupled magma ocean-atmosphere system consists of two components: 1) The redox state of the magma ocean is characterized by its ferric-to-ferrous iron ratio (Fe3+/Fe2+), which can be related by thermodynamics to its oxygen fugacity (fO2), and 2) the atmosphere consists of 2-components (H2-H2O) whose composition is determined via equilibration with the magma ocean and the resulting system oxygen fugacity via the equilibrium reaction (H2+1/2O2<=>H2O). The components of the system are assumed to be in thermodynamic equilibrium and changes in one component via processes such as outgassing and crystallization are expressed in the sub-components and the system as a whole.

C. The code is run on the MAPLE software package.
D. There are no alternate embodiements to this software code.
E. The supportive theory is magma thermodynamics described in the literature and atmospheric physics accessible in textbooks.

F. G. H. There are no engineering specifications, peripheral equipment, or safety factors.


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