Published May 8, 2023 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

SCALE-SPR19 MLD and Euphotic Depth

  • 1. SOCCO, CSIR


The file includes the mixed layer depth (MLD; m) calculated as:

1. Depth at which density changes by 0.03 kg m-3 from the value at 10m

2. Depth of the maximum Brunt-Vaissala Frequency


The file includes the euphotic depth (m) calculated as the depth at which iPAR is 1% of surface iPAR. Please note that not all stations have a value due to either being sampled at night or the depth of the CTD cast was deeper then depth rating of the sensor (1500 m). Included is the diffuse attenuation coefficient (m-1) calculated as the slope of the depth vs log(iPAR).



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