Published May 5, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Quantum Transitions in GEONs


  • 1. Eindhoven University of Technology


Albert Einstein has introduced a new understanding of light by introducing the concept of the “photon”.  This concept originated (1905) in Albert Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect, in which he proposed the existence of discrete energy packets during the transmission of light. Because photons propagate with the speed of light, it is a necessary requirement that the rest-mass of photons equals zero. Recently experiments have resulted in the observation that the rest mass of a photon does not equal zero.

Einstein’s solution to explain the interaction between gravity and light (particles with rest-mass zero, photons) was a curved space-time continuum. A Space-Time continuum curved  due to a gravitational field. The assumption of the zero-mass of photons had been  based on Maxwell’s assumption that electromagnetic waves do not carry mass and do not generate a gravitational field.

This article describes a New Electromagnetic Field Theory. The foundation of this new theory is a  4-dimensional equilibrium in the Minkowski space, expressed by the Stress-Energy  Tensor:                     in which expresses the density of the Electromagnetic Force 4-vector in the Minkowski Space and “a” varies from 1 until 4.

Based on the 4-dimensional equilibrium in the Minkowski space (expressed by the Stress-Energy  Tensor = ), Newton’s Classical Dynamics will be unified with Maxwell’s  Electrodynamics, the 4-Dimensional Relativistic Dirac Equation (which is the foundation of Relativistic Quantum Physics) represents the classical relativistic Dirac Equation (54.1) and equals the 4th component of the density of the Force 4-vector  in the Minkowski Space and Einstein’s General Relativity.

Extending Newton’s 3-dimensional Equilibrium in Classical Mechanics into a model of confined electromagnetic energy within a 4-dimensional Equilibrium will unify Classical Mechanics with Relativistic Quantum Physics (4-dimensional Dirac Equation) and represents the mathematical solutions (equation 31) for the in 1955 by J. A.  Wheeler already announced concept of Gravitational-Electromagnetic Confined GEONs.


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