Published March 31, 2023 | Version v1
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Theories of leadership: personnel work as a mechanism for the protection of rights and freedoms in the activities of law enforcement officers

  • 1. Main Department of National Police in Odessa Region
  • 2. Odessa State University of Internal Affairs
  • 3. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs


Chapter 3 proves that the effective fulfillment by the National Police of the tasks of ensuring human rights and freedoms to a certain extent depends on the proper legal regulation of this activity through laws and other regulations. Attention is focused on the fact that, at the same time, the emphasis on the propaedeutics of professional deformation exacerbates the need to develop integral mechanisms that determine the constructiveness of this process in the aspect of the integral theory of leadership. The mechanisms of organizational and legal support of human rights and freedoms are classified into groups; It has been proved that the practice-oriented mechanism for ensuring human rights and freedoms by the National Police of Ukraine is the only, integral and qualitatively independent phenomenon of the legal system, a set of interrelated and interacting prerequisites, means and conditions that create appropriate legal and factual opportunities for the full implementation of law and freedom. It was found that the trends in reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine indicate the priority of the human factor over the improvement of the structure and technical modernization. After all, first of all, in order to increase the authority of the National Police among the population, in relations with citizens, it is the police officer who must act as a defender of its people and a representative of law and power, while the very specifics of personnel work should be considered as a sphere of a special “human dimension” of the organization.



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