Apanteles F̂rster 1862
Key to species of Apanteles
in the adelinamoralesae species group, modified from Fernández-Triana et al. (2014) (females)
( additional images of the original key can be freely accessed at https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.383.6418).
1 Outer side of metatibia entirely or mostly (>0.7 posteriorly) dark brown to black (only females), with yellow-orange coloration restricted to anterior 0.2 or less (Figs 1A, 1B).............................................................. 2
- Outer side of metatibia yellow-orange at least on anterior 0.5 (usually more), with dark brown to black coloration restricted to posterior 0.5 or less (see Figs 1C, 1D)................................................................... 11
2(1) Ovipositor sheaths 1.0–1.1 × as long as metatibia........................................................... 3
- Ovipositor sheaths 1.3–1.6 × as long as metatibia........................................................... 5
3(2) T1 parallel-sided for 0.7–0.8 of its length, then narrowing posteriorly so mediotergite anterior width>1.1 × posterior width; T2 width at posterior margin 4.4 × its medial length (Fig. 2A); metafemur 2.7 × as long as wide (Fig. 2C) [Cocoons: Gregarious. Hosts: Antaeotricha spp., Gonioterma latipennis]............... yolandarojasae Fernández-Triana (Brazil, Costa Rica)
- T1 slightly widening from anterior margin to 0.7–0.8 mediotergite length (where maximum width is reached), then narrowing towards posterior margin, with widest part of tergite (centrally) being 1.2 × that of base and/or apex; T2 width at posterior margin at most 3.1 × its medial length (Fig. 2B); metafemur at least 2.9 × as long as wide (Fig 2D).................... 4
1 https://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Public_SearchTerms?query=” Apanteles yolandarojasae ”[tax]
2 https://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Public_SearchTerms?query=” Apanteles luiscanalesi ”[tax]
4(3) Flagellomerus 2 2.4 × as long as wide; flagellomerus 14 1.3 × as long as wide; metafemur 3.3 × as long as wide; fore wing with vein 2RS 1.9 × as long as vein 2M [Cocoons: Gregarious. Hosts: Anadasmus spp.]................................................................................................. juniorlopezi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Flagellomerus 2 2.9 × as long as wide; flagellomerus 14 1.7 × as long as wide; metafemur 2.9 × as long as wide; fore wing with vein 2RS 1.1 × as long as vein 2M [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma sp.].................................................................................................... manuelarayai Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
5(2) Mesoscutellar disc mostly smooth (Figs 3A, 3B); tarsal claws simple............................................ 6
- Mesoscutellar disc mostly punctured or weakly rugose, at least with punctures near margins (Figs 3C, 3D); tarsal claws with single basal spine-like seta............................................................................. 7
6(5) Metatibia with inner spur 2.0 × as long as outer spur; flagellomerus 2 2.2 × as long as wide; T1 2.0 × as long as wide at posterior margin; fore wing with vein r 1.2 × as long as vein 2RS, and vein 2RS 1.5 × as long as vein 2M [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Lethata trochalosticta]....................................... zeneidabolanosae Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Metatibia with inner spur 1.3 × as long as outer spur; flagellomerus 2 2.9 × as long as wide; T1 2.6 × as long as wide at posterior margin; fore wing with vein r 1.8 × as long as vein 2RS, and vein 2RS 2.1 × as long as vein 2M [Cocoons: Solitary. Hosts: Antaeotricha sp., Stenoma sp.]................................. adelinamoralesae Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
7(5) Fore wing with vein r at most 1.4 × as long as vein 2RS; metafemur 3.4 × as long as wide; interocellar distance usually 1.5 × as long as ocellus diameter (rarely up to 1.7 ×); ovipositor sheaths at least 1.6 × as long as metatibia (very rarely 1.5 ×) (Fig. 4A); protibia completely yellow (Fig. 4A) [Cocoons: Gregarious. Hosts: Stenoma spp., Anadasmus sp.].................................................................................. didiguadamuzi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Fore wing with vein r at least 1.6 × as long as vein 2RS (usually more than 1.7 ×); metafemur at most 3.3 × as long as wide (usually much less); interocellar distance usually more than 1.8 × as long as ocellus diameter (rarely 1.7 ×); ovipositor sheaths at most 1.4 × as long as metatibia, usually less (very rarely 1.5 ×) (Figs 4B, 4C); protibia with anterior 0.5 yellow, posterior 0.5 dark brown to black (Fig. 4B)........................................................................... 8
8(7) T2 width at posterior margin at most 2.9 × its length (Fig. 5A); metafemur length 3.3 × its width [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma fenestra]............................................ gerardosandovali Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- T2 width at posterior margin at least 3.2 × its length (usually 3.5 ×) (Figs 5B, 5C, 5D); metafemur length at most 3.0 × its width.............................................................................................. 9
9(8) T2 mostly smooth; T2 width at posterior margin at most 3.2 × its length (Fig 5B) [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma patens].......................................................... juanvictori Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- T2 usually with some sculpture; T2 width at posterior margin at least 3.5 × its length (Figs 5C, 5D)................... 10
10(9) Fore wing with vein r 2.3 × as long as vein 2RS, and vein 2RS 1.2 × as long as vein 2M (Fig. 6A); mesoscutellar disc with punctures near margins, central part mostly smooth [Cocoons: Gregarious. Hosts: Anadasmus sp., Cerconota sp.].......................................................................... luislopezi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Fore wing with vein r 1.8 × as long as vein 2RS, and vein 2RS 1.5 × as long as vein 2M (Fig. 6B); mesoscutellar disc mostly punctured [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma byssina].............. leninguadamuzi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
11(1) Ovipositor sheaths 1.0 × as long as metatibia (rarely 1.1 ×) (Fig. 7A)........................................... 12
- Ovipositor sheaths 1.2-1.6 × as long as metatibia (Figs 7B, 7C)............................................... 13
12(11) T1 mostly smooth, weakly sculptured laterally, and 1.7-1.9 × longer than posterior width [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma patens]...................................................... isaacbermudezi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- T1 entirely sculptured, rugose, and 1.1-1.2 × longer than posterior width [Cocoons: Solitary. Host: Stenoma catenifer]....................................... ahuacatl Shimbori, Giacomelli & Fernández-Triana sp. n. (Brazil; Costa Rica)
13(11) T2 width at posterior margin at most 2.9 × its length, if rarely 3.0–3.2 × then T1 length at least 2.1 × its width at posterior margin and fore wing vein 2RS as long as vein 2M and vein 2M as long as vein (RS+M)b......................... 14
- T2 width at posterior margin at least 3.2 × its length (usually much more), and/or T1 length less than 2.0 × its width at posterior margin and/or fore wing vein 2RS longer than vein 2M and/or vein 2M shorter than vein (RS+M)b.................. 16
14(13) Tarsal claws simple; fore wing with vein r 1.6 × as long as vein 2Rs, vein 2RS 1.6 × as long as vein 2M, and vein 2M 0.6 × as long as vein (RS+M)b [Cocoons: Gregarious. Hosts: Stenoma completella, S. luctifica]........................................................................................... edgarjimenezi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Tarsal claws with single basal spine-like seta; fore wing with vein r at least 1.7 × as long as vein 2Rs, vein 2RS at most 1.3 × as long as vein 2M, and vein 2M at least 0.9 × as long as vein (RS+M)b........................................ 15
15(14) Interocellar distance at most 2.0 × ocellus diameter (usually less than 1.8 ×); mesoscutellar disc with punctures near the margin, central part mostly smooth; T1 length 2.1 × its width at posterior margin; ovipositor sheaths usually 1.5–1.6 × as long as metatibia length; if very rarely ovipositor sheaths 1.3 × as long as metatibia length, then body length and fore wing length 2.0 mm (otherwise body and fore wing length 2.9–3.3 mm) [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma completella]............................................................................ carloscastilloi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Interocellar distance 2.1 × ocellus diameter; mesoscutellar disc mostly punctured; T1 length 1.7 × its width at posterior margin; ovipositor sheaths usually 1.3–1.4 × as long as metatibia length; body length 2.9–3.0 mm; fore wing length 3.1–3.4 mm [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma sp.]............................. jorgecortesi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
16(13) Ovipositor sheaths 1.6 × as long as metatibia; flagellomerus 2 2.5 × as long as wide; metatibial inner spur 1.7 × as long as outer spur [Cocoons: Gregarious. Hosts: Antaeotricha sp., Stenoma sp.]...... laurenmoralesae Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Ovipositor sheaths at most 1.4 × as long as metatibia; flagellomerus 2 at least 2.6 × as long as wide (usually 2.9 × or more); metatibial inner spur at most 1.5 × as long as outer spur (usually less than 1.4 ×).................................. 17
17(16) Profemur yellow; mesofemur dark brown on anterior half and yellow on posterior half (Fig. 11A); [Cocoons: Solitary. Host: Cerconota anonella]........................................................ aratiku Shimbori sp. n. (Brazil)
- Profemur anteriorly and mesofemur entirely dark brown or black (Figs 8A, 8B)................................... 18
18(17) T2 width at posterior margin 4.4–4.9× its length, and fully sculptured (Fig. 9A); body length 3.2–3.7 mm.............. 19
- T2 width at posterior margin at most 3.6 × its length, and mostly smooth, at most with weak and sparse punctures laterally near posterior margin (Figs 9B, 9C, 9D); body length usually less than 3.0 mm (if rarely over 3.2 mm, then T2 width at posterior margin at most 3.2 × its length)......................................................................... 20
19(18) Tarsal claws simple; scutoscutellar sulcus with 9–10 pits; pterostigma 3.1–3.5 × longer than wide; [Cocoons: Solitary. Host: Anadasmus sp.]................................................ wilbertharayai Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Tarsal claws with single basal spine-like seta; scutoscutellar sulcus with 7 pits; pterostigma 2.7–2.8 × longer than wide [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma decora]...................................... mayochinchipe Shimbori sp. n. (Brazil)
20(18) Interocellar distance 2.2 × as long as posterior ocellus diameter; mesoscutellar disc with punctures near the margin, central part mostly smooth [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Macalla sp. (Pyralidae)].......... luiscanalesi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- Interocellar distance 1.8 × as long as posterior ocellus diameter; mesoscutellar disc mostly punctured................. 21
21(20) T1 parallel-sided, T2 with some sculpture, mostly near posterior margin (Fig. 9C); fore wing with vein 2RS 1.0 × as long as vein 2M; outer margin of hypopygium extending about the same length of last tergites [Cocoons: Gregarious. Hosts: Stenoma patens, Stenoma sp.]......................................... paulaixcamparijae Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
- T1 slightly widening from anterior margin to 0.7–0.8 mediotergite length (where maximum width is reached), then narrowing towards posterior margin, T2 mostly smooth (Fig. 9D); fore wing with vein 2RS 1.5 × as long as vein 2M; outer margin of hypopygium clearly extending beyond last tergites [Cocoons: Gregarious. Host: Stenoma sp.]...................................................................................... ronaldmurilloi Fernández-Triana (Costa Rica)
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Braconidae
- Genus
- Apanteles
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- F̂rster
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Apanteles F̂rster, 1862 sec. Shimbori, Giacomelli, Fernández-Triana, Watanabe, Santos, Santos, Fazolin & Penteado-Dias, 2023
- Fernandez-Triana, J. L., Whitfield, J. B., Rodriguez, J. J., Smith, M. A., Janzen, D. H., Hallwachs, W., Hajibabaei, M., Burns, J. M., Solis, M. A., Brown, J., Cardinal, S., Goulet, H. & Hebert, P. D. N. (2014) Review of Apanteles sensu stricto (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) from Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica, with keys to all described species from Mesoamerica. ZooKeys, 383, 1 - 565. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 383.6418