There is a newer version of the record available.

Published May 3, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

3-component synthetic seismograms associated with highly heterogeneous geologies


  • 1. Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris Saclay, CEA


This dataset has been generated by propagating seismic waves in heteroegenous geologies. Geologies are 3D domains of size 9.6 x 9.6 x 9.6 km. The source is placed at (4.8km, 4.8km, -8.4km). It is parametrized as a moment tensor with M0 = 2.47 · 1016 N.m, strike = 48°, dip = 45°, and rake = 88°.

The propagation of seismic waves is simulated with SEM3D, a High-Performance Code based on the Spectral Element Method. The simulation lasts for 20s.

Ground motion is recorded at the surface by a grid of 16 x 16 sensors (600m spacing between two consecutive sensors). This dataset contains velocity timeseries for the sensor located at coordinates (1390m, 1390m). There are 3 timeseries associated with the three components (EW = East-West, NS = North-South, Z = upward). Timeseries are given at a 100Hz frequency.

Due to the definition of the mesh elements in the numerical simulation, results are accurate only up to a 5Hz frequency. Timeseries still contain frequencies above 5Hz but they have no physical meaning.

Each file is given as a numpy array. Each row corresponds to one numerical simulation (i.e. one geology). Columns correspond to the time steps (0, 0.01, 0.02, ..., 19.98, 19.99).



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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Until data are in their final form, they are available only for collaborators. They will soon be open access.

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