3-component synthetic seismograms associated with highly heterogeneous geologies
This dataset has been generated by propagating seismic waves in heteroegenous geologies. Geologies are 3D domains of size 9.6 x 9.6 x 9.6 km. The source is placed at (4.8km, 4.8km, -8.4km). It is parametrized as a moment tensor with M0 = 2.47 · 1016 N.m, strike = 48°, dip = 45°, and rake = 88°.
The propagation of seismic waves is simulated with SEM3D, a High-Performance Code based on the Spectral Element Method. The simulation lasts for 20s.
Ground motion is recorded at the surface by a grid of 16 x 16 sensors (600m spacing between two consecutive sensors). This dataset contains velocity timeseries for the sensor located at coordinates (1390m, 1390m). There are 3 timeseries associated with the three components (EW = East-West, NS = North-South, Z = upward). Timeseries are given at a 100Hz frequency.
Due to the definition of the mesh elements in the numerical simulation, results are accurate only up to a 5Hz frequency. Timeseries still contain frequencies above 5Hz but they have no physical meaning.
Each file is given as a numpy array. Each row corresponds to one numerical simulation (i.e. one geology). Columns correspond to the time steps (0, 0.01, 0.02, ..., 19.98, 19.99).