Analysis of the current state of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 1. S. D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
- 2. National University of Pharmacy
- 3. South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
This article analyses the current state of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2015-2021 and diagnoses the current problems of pharmaceutical production.
The aim: to identify the current trends of the pharmaceutical market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, its specific features and prospects for the development of domestic pharmaceutical production.
Materials and methods: statistical data, survey results, mathematical-statistical and analytical comparative methods, SWOT analysis.
Research results: according to the results of statistical analysis, pharmaceutical production increased by 101.1 billion tenges in monetary terms compared to 2015, and the export of domestic products increased by 13.3 billion tenges. In 2020, the export of medical preparations due to supplies to Russia amounted to 76.5 %, to Kyrgyzstan 6.5 % and Uzbekistan 4.8 %, to other countries - 12.3 %. It is estimated that the volume of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020, compared with 2019, increased by 21.3 % as a result of the development of domestic production and the implementation of the state support program. The total number of medicines registered in the republic is 7449, and the share of domestic production is 13.1 % (978 medical preparations), and 6471 medicines, 86.9 %, are imported. In addition, 9154 medical devices have been registered, and the share of domestic products is 90 %.
Online direct expert survey (questionnaire) indicates that the respondents are female pharmacists (74.5 %) aged 36 to 55 years old (52.3 %) with 26-30 years of work experience (32.3 %), who noted the strengths of the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan (U=1.35), as readiness for modernisation and state support (47 %), political stability (44 %), weaknesses (U=1.35) - insignificant capacity of the pharmaceutical market (55.5 %), limited range of domestic pharmaceutical products and substances (50.9 %), opportunities (U=1.4) - active investment policy (62.7 %), expansion of digital and remote channels (25.4 %), threats (U=1.4) – import dependence (69.9 %), high volatility of the tenge exchange rate (24.1 %).
Based on the pharmaceutical market analysis and expert survey of specialists, a strategic matrix of SWOT analysis was built.
Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, the dependence of the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical market on imported foreign medicines and substances were revealed. However, the volume of pharmaceutical products produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan increases annually. Therefore, for the further development of the pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, considering its import dependence, additional funding is needed for research and educational activities for the development of innovative medical preparations and substances
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