Published May 2, 2023 | Version Version one
Report Open

An Outlook into Activism by Mothers, Fathers, and others for More Sustainable Living Environments

  • 1. Södertörn University


The work reported here sought to map out groups, movements and organizations made up in large extent of mothers who in that role engage in activism and related activities in the public sphere. All of the research done has used secondary data and information available online and was done via desk research only. This is a descriptive report introducing the dataset we compiled in Spring 2023 titled “Inventory of Mothering and Fathering Activism for More Sustainable Living Environments _ V1” has been deposited to the SVN data repository. It is available under the following identifier https://doi. org/10.5878/n0cb-4f19 and is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY 4.0). 



Funder: Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development - FORMAS. Project ID 2019-01887


An Outlook into Activism - Final (2023.05.02).pdf

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