Published April 28, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Boosting Plastic Packaging Recyclability: Setting the Right Standards

  • 1. Trust-IT
  • 2. European Commission, DG GROW
  • 3. AFNOR
  • 4. CITEO
  • 5. UNE
  • 6. ITENE
  • 7. EuRIC
  • 8. Dansk Standard


On 27 April 2023, project organised a webinar titled "Boosting Plastic Packaging Recyclability: Setting the Right Standards", focusing on the interplay between regulation, standardisation, research, and innovation and how these in unity can boost plastic packaging recyclability in Europe.

The webinar was started by Coordinator Nicholas Ferguson, who provided an overview of the project and our role in the European standardisation initiative. Followed by the European Commission and the European Technical Committee for Standardisation of Packaging, which talked about upcoming regulations, standards, and opportunities. The second session was the presentation of the European Horizon Projects, such as CIMPA, MERLIN, and upPE-T, which provided examples of their work with recycling plastic packaging and research and innovation projects and how projects can learn more about how to get engaged via The final session involves panellists discussing the interplay between regulation, standardisation, research, and innovation.

Discover the exciting insights from our webinar by accessing the recording and presentations through this link. Simply click here to gain access and expand your knowledge on the topic. Don't miss out on this valuable resource!

Files Webinar_27.04.2023 - Plastic Recyclability - Setting the Right Standards.pdf

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European Commission – Standardisation Booster for H2020 & HE research results 101058391