Published April 28, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

[IO Islamic 212] شرح بوستان



Sharḥ-i-Bûstân (شرح بوستان).

A very short commentary on Sa’dî’s Bûstân, in which only the difficult verses and phrases are explained, by an anonymous author, who, however, judging from the immediately following commentary on the Gulistân in this same MS. (see No. 1180 in this Cat.), seems identical with Muḥammad ‘Abd-alrasûl bin Shihâb-aldîn, who wrote both his small explanatory works on Bûstân and Gulistân in the same year, viz. A.H. 1073 (A.D. 1662, 1663), see Rieu ii. p. 604 ; A. Sprenger, Catal., p. 552, etc.

The present copy begins, without any introduction, at once with the initial bait of the poem:بنام جهاندار جان آفرين ........ جهان بمعنئ روزگار مصحّح است از خدمت امير شهاب الدين حكيم الخ.

Bâb I begins on fol. 231a.

No date.

No. 212, ff. 225-254, ll. 20; Nasta’lîḳ; size, 9½ in. by 6 in.



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