Published April 26, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Fischer et al, 2023, Supplementary material, simulations

  • 1. CCTB, University of Würzburg


Supplementary material of Sabine C. Fischer, Simon Schardt, Joaquín Lilao-Garzón and Silvia Muñoz Descalzo "The salt-and-pepper pattern in mouse blastocysts is compatible with signalling beyond the nearest neighbours."

This folder contains the preprocessing steps for the rule-based and ODE-based models. In particular, it contains

- "DataFromPython" with the results from the simulations in Python of the signalling models (Schardt & Fischer, arXiv, 2022)

- "TissueFeatures" with the processed data in Mathematica's .mx format

- "Results" with the output from the preprocessing steps. In particular, the files * contain all the information for the neighbourhood analyses.

All other code concerning the analyses is available on github:


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