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Published April 24, 2023 | Version Under review by the European Commission
Project deliverable Open

DIAMAS deliverable: D3.1 IPSP Best Practices: Quality evaluation criteria, best practices, and assessment systems for Institutional Publishing Service Providers (IPSPs)

  • 1. EIFL, Lithuania
  • 1. FECYT, Spain
  • 2. Jisc, United Kingdom
  • 3. University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia
  • 4. cOAlition S, Belgium
  • 5. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos-CSIC, Spain


This report outlines existing quality evaluation criteria, best practices, and assessment systems for IPSPs developed by international associations, RPOs, governments, and international databases. It also analyses academic literature on research evaluation of IPSPs, assessment criteria and indicators. The analysis matrix includes the following categories, which will also be the core components of EQSIP: 

  1. Funding: description of the funding model, OA business model, transparency in listing all funding sources, etc. 

  2. Ownership and governance: legal ownership, mission, and governance.

  3. Open science practices: OA policy, copyright and licensing, open peer review, data availability, new approaches to research assessment, etc.

  4. Editorial quality, editorial management, and research integrity.  

  5. Technical service efficiency: technical strength, interoperability - metadata, ISSN, PIDs, machine readability, and accessible  journal website. 

  6. Visibility, including indexation, communication, marketing and impact.

  7. Equity, Diversity  and Inclusion (EDI): multilingualism, gender equity.  

A self-assessment checklist for IPSPs summarises the best practices outlined in the report. 

The full list of the analysed documents and the extracted data are provided as a dataset: 


Deliverable under EC review


IPSP Best Practices report_under_EC_review.pdf

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Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.7859247 (DOI)


DIAMAS – Developing Institutional open Access publishing Models to Advance Scholarly communication 101058007
European Commission