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Content of the zipped directories:
-> Non-standard_force_fields
This directory contains the parameters used for acetyl Ppant, malonyl Ppant and O-acetylserine in AMBER simulations.
-> SAC.frcmod, SAC.mol2 - parameters for O-acetylserine.
-> ACL.frcmod, ACL.mol2 - parameteres for acetyl phosphopantetheine
-> MAL.frcmod, MAL.mol2 - parameters for malonyl phosphopantetheine
-> PksD_AH_Oas99
This directory contains AMBER MD trajectories and topology files for simulations involving PksD AH with O-acetylserine in position 99.
-> stripped_topology_cMD.prmtop - topology file for the
-> - initial 50 ns classical MD trajectory in AMBER NetCDF format. Sampled every 40 ps.
-> closest_topology-aMD.prmtop - topology file for the trajectory Only 3 closest water molecules retained.
-> - ~320 ns accelerated MD trajectory in AMBER NetCDF format. Only 3 closest water molecules retained.
-> closest_topology-cMD-f1650.prmtop - topology file for the trajectory Only 3 closest water molecules retained.
-> - 10 ns classical MD trajectory restarted from frame 1650 of the aMD. Only 3 closest water molecules retained.
-> filtered_topology.prmtop - topology file for frames filtered by Bürgi-Dunitz criteria (here: His201[Nε2]-WAT[H] distance ≤ 3 Å, WAT[O]-Ac[C’] distance ≤ 3.2 Å and WAT[O]-Ac[C’]-Ac[O] angle 100°-110°).
-> - trajectory fulfilling Bürgi-Dunitz criteria for H1 of water 2323
-> - trajectory fulfilling Bürgi-Dunitz criteria for H2 of water 2323
-> - trajectory fulfilling Bürgi-Dunitz criteria for H1 of water 6673
-> - trajectory fulfilling Bürgi-Dunitz criteria for H2 of water 6673
-> - trajectory fulfilling Bürgi-Dunitz criteria for H1 of water 12895
-> - trajectory fulfilling Bürgi-Dunitz criteria for H2 of water 12895
-> PksD_AH_PksJ_ACP4_ACL
This directory contains AMBER MD trajectories and topology files for simulations involving PksD AH:PksJ ACP4 with acetyl Ppant. Both topology and trajectories are stripped of water and ions.
-> stripped_topology.prmtop - topology file for the system
-> - initial 50 ns classical MD trajectory in AMBER NetCDF format. Sampled every 20 ps.
-> - ~288 ns accelerated MD trajectory in AMBER NetCDF format. Sampled every 20 ps. Additional frames to 572 ns not included.
-> - 20 ns classical MD trajectory restarted from frame 3221 of the aMD. Sampled every 2 ps.
-> - 20 ns classical MD trajectory restarted from frame 4230 of the aMD. Sampled every 2 ps.
-> - filtered for frames satisfying Bürgi-Dunitz conditions(here: His201[Nε2]-Ser99[H] distance ≤ 3 Å, Ser99[OG]-Ac[C’] distance ≤ 3.2 Å and Ser[OG]-Ac[C’]-Ac[O] angle 100°-110°).
-> - filtered for frames satisfying Bürgi-Dunitz conditions(here: His201[Nε2]-Ser99[H] distance ≤ 3 Å, Ser99[OG]-Ac[C’] distance ≤ 3.2 Å and Ser[OG]-Ac[C’]-Ac[O] angle 100°-110°).
-> PksD_AH_PksJ_ACP4_MAL
This directory contains AMBER MD trajectories and topology files for simulations involving PksD AH:PksJ ACP4 with malonyl Ppant. Both topology and trajectories are stripped of water and ions.
-> stripped_topology.prmtop - topology file for the system
-> - initial 50 ns classical MD trajectory in AMBER NetCDF format
-> - ~281 ns accelerated MD trajectory in AMBER NetCDF format. Sampled every 20 ps.
-> - 50 ns classical MD trajectory restarted from frame 8549 of the aMD. Sampled every 5 ps.
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