Published July 9, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Study of the Relationship between the Quality of Social Support System and Drug Use among Street Children in Starehe Sub-County, Nairobi County Kenya


The study aimed at examining the relationship between the quality of the social support system and drug use among street children in Starehe Sub-County, Nairobi County Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to: explore the relationship between psychosocial health and drug use among street children and the relationship between the quality of social support system and drug use among street children in Starehe Sub-County, Nairobi County Kenya. This study adopted the correlational research design. Data were collected from 100 street children. These were sampled using cluster and simple random sampling techniques from a target population of 30,000 in Starehe Sub-County of Nairobi County. In addition, data was collected from purposively sampled four officials from the Starehe Children's Office, eight officials of NGO/FBO operating in the sub-county, 1 sub-county administrator, and 4 ward administrators from the Sub-County. The qualitative data collected using questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics like mean, percentage, and frequencies, as well as inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation and regression analysis. The findings obtained were presented using charts and tables. The qualitative data collected using interviews were analyzed thematically. The findings were then presented in prose. The findings show that the independent variables are psychosocial health and quality of social support. Pearson correlation showed that there was a significant relationship between drug use and all the independent variables (psychosocial health, r=0.503, p<0.05 and quality of social support system, r=0.538, p<0.05. The findings show that the measures put in place to enhance the mental health of street children made had significant influences on their drug use. Strengthening the existing social support systems meant that street children could get the support needed to steer them away from drug use. The study recommends that it is important to promote the social support systems in the Starehe sub-county. There is also a need to provide street children with homes to reduce exposure to stressful conditions that could lead to mental health problems.



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