Published April 17, 2023 | Version 20230317
Dataset Restricted

Results of the germination and cultivation experiments of the endangered tree Monoon liukiuense.

  • 1. Forest Tree Breeding Center


Both experiments were conducted on Iriomote Island, Japan, in 2014.

dge.csv: Results of the germination experiment. id is the identifier of germination pots; pulp indicates with or without pulp; days is the number of days after sowing; and germs is the number of germinated seeds at the time of recording.

drgh.csv: Results of the cultivation experiment. id is the identifier of cultivation pots; days is the number of days after transplanting from the germination experiment; condition is the light gap or shade treatment; and rgh is the relative growth height (cm) of seedlings at the time of recording.



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An article using this data is currently under review. I will publish the results as soon as it become available.

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