Published November 19, 2022 | Version v1
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大學的「課程進行」在線上教學與實體教學的形式演變及結構轉換之可能性研究 [The Research on the Possibility of Form Evolution and Structure Transformation between Online Teaching and Physical Teaching for the "Course Progress" in the University]

  • 1. College of Science, National Taipei University of Education
  • 2. Department of Science Education, College of Science, National Taipei University of Education [國立臺北教育大學自然科學教育學系]


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  • 1. College of Science, National Taipei University of Education


In 2020, the COVID-19 began to spread around the world, which necessitated a comprehensive adjustment of the educational institutions. Although online teaching had been implemented by some educational institutions or teachers before the epidemic, the arrival of the epidemic has forced teachers to face changes whether they are prepared or not. During the implementation of online teaching, there are many students or teachers who complain about poor teaching effectiveness, including poor equipment such as computers and audio, or lack of interaction between teachers and students. In view of this situation, this research hopes to gain insights into the differences between the two teaching fields and the changes in learning situations through the analysis and discussion of the university's curriculum model. Therefore, the problem awareness of this research has the following two points: online and physical in How has the form evolved in practice? Possibility of online and physical transformation in form and structure? This research combs out the implicit structure and frame of the teaching field from the data of practical observation in the teaching field and tries to face the general education situation through the concept of STS, and then uses ANT as a tool for interpreting phenomena to do the structure description of university teaching in the course, and for the situation that the existing structure of physical teaching evolves into the dynamic structure of online teaching. On the basis of practical teaching effectiveness and feedback, in principle, after most courses are converted from physical teaching to online teaching, they are forced to rely on the functions and characteristics of the online teaching platform. The weakening of the teacher's initiative in the teaching field also leads to less changes in the form of teaching methods in online courses than in entities, but the teaching methods in online courses have essentially changed more than both. Stateful alienation is mainly aimed at the heterogeneity of the underlying value performance, rather than the apparent state of the form itself. Of course, various teaching modes have their own shortcomings and advantages after adjustment. However, in terms of the current teaching situation and effectiveness, after switching to online teaching, it seems that most of the negative performances are shown, such as students' concentration, the interaction between teachers and students is less efficient. However, due to the coexistence policy in Taiwan, online teaching is no longer so widely used. However, the improvement in the form and structure of online teaching may enable the continuous hybrid teaching method or digital technology education. Online teaching will have other application opportunities.



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