Published April 14, 2023 | Version 0.1
Dataset Open

Image dataset for the creation of an automatic system for meteor fall detection

  • 1. Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Image dataset with sky photos showing the occurrence or non-occurrence of falling meteors. The database comprises 7,000 images in JPEG format -- 3,850 (55%) images show the event of falling meteors, and 3,150 (45%) images show no meteors. Different instruments captured the photos from 2014 to 2023. We used the images to train a deep-learning neural network for an automatic falling meteor detector.

The primary image data sources were the Brazilian Meteor Observation Network (BRAMON --, UK Meteor Network (UKMON --, and Base des Observateurs Amateurs de Météores (BOAM -- repositories.

Folders Structure

We divided the folder structure into two levels. In the first level, we have two folders: RawImages, which holds images with captions stored in the repositories; and CroppedImages, which contains images without the captions (we cropped a band of 24 pixels in the lower part of the image).

In the second level, in each of the previous folders, we have another two folders: meteor, which has images with meteors; and non-meteors, with images without occurrences of meteors.

Naming pattern for the files

The naming pattern in the meteor folder follows the format <source>_<date>_<id>.jpg where:

  • <source> is one of the 3 data sources: bramon, ukmon, or boam.
  • <date> is the date-time the instrument captured the image in the format yyyymmdd_hhnnss (y:year, m:month, d:day, h:hours, n:minutes, s:seconds).
  • <id> is an identifier from a specific source to avoid date-time conflicts:
    • BRAMON: radiant identifier.
    • UKMON: station identifier.
    • BOAM: station identifier.

For the non-meteor folder, the naming pattern is <source>_<date>_nonmeteor.jpg to avoid homonyms (with the same date-time) and to identify that they are images of non-meteors.


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