Published March 11, 2021 | Version v2
Report Open

NFDI Cross-cutting Topics Workshop Report


This report outlines the results of a strategy workshop on cross-cutting topics of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). The workshop took place on 26 August 2020. The participants were the nine consortia from the first of three funding rounds for NFDI and the NFDI Directorate.

The report captures 16 cross-cutting topics upon the workshop participants agreed to be most relevant. In particular, the report shows for each cross-cutting topic: consortia’s intended participation as well as willingness to take a coordination role, expected additional financial requirements, and to which degree further specification is needed.

The results confirm the importance of the cross-cutting topics for NFDI. They can be seen as a preliminary basis for the further addressing of cross-cutting topics in NFDI’s planned inter-consortial sections and working groups, that will also include the consortia of funding rounds two and three.



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