Published April 12, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A Sector Qualification Framework (SQF) Level 2-7 for Industrial Shoe Production

  • 1. Institute Technology and Education (ITB) Bremen University


In the years 2008 and 2017, the European parliament and the council published respective updated the European Qualification Framework (EQF) for Lifelong Learning to increase transparency and comparability of qualifications and the mobility of workers. Since then no or only very few advantages induced by QF have been published. One of the main reasons is the inherent broadness and openness of the descriptors of the levels. A promising approach to overcome this dilemma could be Sector Qualification Frameworks (SQF); ICSAS and DIA-CVET projects developed, implemented and evaluated a SQF level 2 to 7 for the sector of industrial shoe production.


Saniter CB 2023 A sector qualifications framework.pdf

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