A Robust Version Predictive Tracking Control for Robotic Manipulators Considering Disturbances
In our paper of robust version predictive tracking control for robotic manipulators considering disturbances we proposed the control scheme of incorporates and a distrbance observer and to estimate the effects of tthe distruubances occuring from the external on the machine . The control and the approach is sed to optmize the inputs control and minimize the tracking error and the perforamnce of the scheme control is evaluated through simulation and through the expermenent .In this we have demonstrated its effectiveness in tracking the robot accurate and the potential to improve its efficiency abd the safety of the process of industrial and the controbution for the development in the robotic system and the challenges in its implementation and its importance in various fields of applications the advantages of the proposed scheme such as the ability to handle abd the carious types of distrubances and the uncertainites and the simplicity in the process of tracking the other types of robotic system and there intergration having advanced technology to enchance its performance the main challenge in the implementation of the control scheme is the accuracy of the model of the system and the distrbance and the parameters of the tuning of control abd the data driven approaches and the optimization and the techniques which we have used in the robust version the predicition of tracking system of the control for the robot manipulators are show below in the process of working and the accurate and the robust tracking performance in the presence of distrbances and there uncertainites . The scheme control has the potenial ablity to improve te safety and the effiency in the produuction and the industrial process and the growth in robotic further research is required to explore in for its implementation we have demonstrated the effectiveness of the propsed control scheme the result have show the has a promising soltion for the controlling robotic manipuulators in the pratical applications it can handle the toughness and the stablity to the system.