Published April 6, 2023 | Version v1
Book Open

The Shrine of Dodona in the Archaic and Classical Ages. A History

  • 1. University of Macerata


Travelling to oracular sanctuaries was one of the main motivations for long-distance movements in antiquity. Located on the fringes of the Greek world, the oracular sanctuary of Zeus at Dodona attracted visitors from the Early Iron Age, but only from the mid-7 th century BC onwards did its catchment area expand far beyond the Pindos mountain range. This book covers the history of the shrine from its emergence as a cult place up to the acquisition of a pan-Hellenic reputation, taking into account the communities and private individuals who dedicated, consulted, and performed rituals there.


J.Piccinini, The Shrine of Dodona in the Archaic and Classical Ages. A History, Macerata 2017. .pdf