Published January 1, 2022 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

On the epistemic potential of (live) electronic music: Essay-in-progress

  • 1. ZHdK



Like every art form, electronic music allows us to gain insight into multiple phenomena. This text is devoted to the specific epistemic potential of live electronic music and its foundations. The particular genealogy and functionalities of its instruments, its ability to expose phenomena to our senses «here and now», its predisposition towards openness, the unexpected and the singular, its many forms of representation and its fundamental relation to research are only some of them. Based on our own research on performance practice during the last ten years at ICST and inspired by discourses in current art philosophy, the lecture aims to promote an understanding of modern electronic music as an artistic practice located between expression and cognizance.


+ ID: 593055



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Performing Live Electronic Music 100016_182693
Swiss National Science Foundation