Published April 3, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Safe Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention in Males in Bigando, Kigulya Division, Masindi Municipality.

  • 1. Safe Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention in Males in Bigando, Kigulya Division, Masindi Municipality.


This study was designed to determine associated factors with uptake of safe male circumcision in HIV prevention in males aged 15-35 in Bigando Ward, Kigulya Division, Masindi Municipality. The study design was a descriptive cross-sectional study with a study population of 384 and the sample size was determine using Kish and Leshie’s formulae of sample size determination and it came down to 117, however the response rate was 60. The findings revealed that; Knowledge was good as all the respondents, 60(100%) mentioned that they have heard about it mainly from the radio and health workers. Another factor that was hindering men from undergoing circumcision was their belief that it is associated with complications, with 42(70%) in agreement. The main complications mentioned were pains 32(70%) and bleeding 22(52.4%). The attitude towards circumcision was fair with 38(63.3%) saying it was good against 4(6.7%) that said it was bad. It is recommended that; Health education of the respondents on the advantages of circumcision especially on the fact that it has protective effects against HIV as to foster positive behavioral change, Government should possibly pay for all circumcision in private health facilities, Attitude towards SMC should be improved by regularly talking about it in all public places like markets, schools and churches etc. The circumcision camps should improve on the privacy of the clients that turn up for circumcision, promoting education of children in the study area so as to enhance a more literate population in the future that is more likely to embrace circumcision.



[[INOSR ES 11(2)77-88, 2023.Safe Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention in Males in Bigando, Kigulya Division, Masindi Municipality..pdf