Chemical Monitoring Reporting (SSD2)
This data providers package provides the data collection configuration and supporting materials for Chemical Monitoring Reporting in SSD2.
The package includes:
- The Standard Sample Description Version 2 (SSD2) schema definition (i.e. XSD) specific for the ChemMon data collection.
- The STX transformation file which automatically assigns sampEventId and sampAnId when this information is not provided and allows the simplified tag syntax for XML compound elements.
- The General Business Rules applied for the automatic validation of the submitted datasets, and
- The Chemical Monitoring-specific business rules.
The new guidance document is published on the EFSA journal and referred in the Related Identifiers section among the supplemented materials
For the related controlled terminology and mapping tools please, refer to the Related Identifiers section.
This version replaces version 8 to update the following Chemical Monitoring business rules: CHEMON64 (country codes updated according to updated legislation Reg. 2019/1793)
Additional details
- monitoring
- data collection