Published February 25, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

War on Nature: How the Russian Invasion of Ukraine is Devastating the Environment

  • 1. University of Calabar



This article examines the environmental impacts of the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which has caused extensive damage to critical ecosystems, the release of pollutants, and the displacement of people and wildlife. The destruction of forests and wetlands contributes to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, while the burning of oil fields and release of pollutants pose significant health risks to both humans and wildlife. The decline in biodiversity affects the functioning of ecosystems and has economic implications for the region. The long-term effects of the conflict on the environment are likely to be severe, with global implications. It is crucial to recognize the role of this conflict in exacerbating the climate and biodiversity crises and prioritize peaceful solutions to address these urgent challenges.

