Published March 27, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Scientific Council, Ph.D.



The purpose of this article is to determine the importance of sukuk operations in the financing of large government projects as a result of the expansion of the sukuk market, which is one of the most important forms of Islamic finance. One of the most important forms of Islamic finance is debt securities, which have been proven to be interest-free bonds, ie sukuk, "equity certificates representing joint ownership of assets in a portfolio of fixed assets." Given the current economic situation and the crisis, it was found that the possibility of investing in a new class of assets is interpreted as a way to use capital more efficiently and effectively. A comparative overview of the neighboring Turkish market showed that the success of the Islamic banking system in sukuk operations in Kazakhstan has increased. It was noted that the introduction of sukuk in the Kazakhstan market has brought many prospects.


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