- 1. Navarrabiomed-HUN-UPNA; IdiSNA
- 2. Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)
Project leaders:
Project members:
- 1. Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)
- 2. Navarrabiomed-HUN-UPNA; IdiSNA
- 3. Instituto de Estadística de Navarra (NASTAT)
- 4. Servicio Navarro de Salud (SNS-O)
- 5. Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra - ISPLN
- 6. Hospital Universitario de Navarra
- 7. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia
- 8. Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunidad Valenciana
- 9. Fundación canaria instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias
- 10. Servicio de Atención Primaria del Servicio Canario de Salud
- 11. Osakidetza-Servicio Vasco de Salud
- 12. Servicio Canario de Salud
Technical notes and documentation on the common data model of the project CONCEPT-DM2.
This publication corresponds to the Common Data Model (CDM) specification of the CONCEPT-DM2 project for the implementation of a federated network analysis of the healthcare pathway of type 2 diabetes.
Aims of the CONCEPT-DM2 project:
General aim: To analyse chronic care effectiveness and efficiency of care pathways in diabetes, assuming the relevance of care pathways as independent factors of health outcomes using data from real life world (RWD) from five Spanish Regional Health Systems.
Main specific aims:
- To characterize the care pathways in patients with diabetes through the whole care system in terms of process indicators and pharmacologic recommendations
- To compare these observed care pathways with the theoretical clinical pathways derived from the clinical practice guidelines
- To assess if the adherence to clinical guidelines influence on important health outcomes, such as cardiovascular hospitalizations.
- To compare the traditional analytical methods with process mining methods in terms of modeling quality, prediction performance and information provided.
Study Design: It is a population-based retrospective observational study centered on all T2D patients diagnosed in five Regional Health Services within the Spanish National Health Service. We will include all the contacts of these patients with the health services using the electronic medical record systems including Primary Care data, Specialized Care data, Hospitalizations, Urgent Care data, Pharmacy Claims, and also other registers such as the mortality and the population register.
Cohort definition: All patients with code of Type 2 Diabetes in the clinical health records
- Inclusion criteria: patients that, at 01/01/2017 or during the follow-up from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2022 had active health card (active TIS - tarjeta sanitaria activa) and code of type 2 diabetes (T2D, DM2 in spanish) in the clinical records of primary care (CIAP2 T90 in case of using CIAP code system)
- Exclusion criteria:
- patients with no contact with the health system from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2022
- patients that had a T1D (DM1) code opened after the T2D code during the follow-up.
- Study period. From 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2022
Files included in this publication:
- Datamodel_CONCEPT_DM2_diagram.png
- Common data model specification (Datamodel_CONCEPT_DM2_v.0.1.0.xlsx)
- Synthetic datasets (Datamodel_CONCEPT_DM2_sample_data)
- sample_data1_dm_patient.csv
- sample_data2_dm_param.csv
- sample_data3_dm_patient.csv
- sample_data4_dm_param.csv
- sample_data5_dm_patient.csv
- sample_data6_dm_param.csv
- sample_data7_dm_param.csv
- sample_data8_dm_param.csv
- Datamodel_CONCEPT_DM2_explanation.pptx