Published December 16, 2022 | Version 1.0
Poster Open

The IGSN–DataCite Partnership: Realizing the IGSN 2040 Vision

  • 1. DataCite
  • 2. GFZ Potsdam
  • 1. SESAR
  • 2. DataCite
  • 3. CSIRO
  • 4. ARDC
  • 5. USGS
  • 6. Lithodat
  • 7. iSamples


In October 2021, DataCite and the IGSN e.V. announced a partnership to support the global adoption, implementation, and use of physical sample identifiers. This partnership follows the recommendations of the IGSN 2040 Project, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, whereby DataCite is providing the IGSN ID registration services and supporting technologies to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the IGSN PID infrastructure. The organizations are also working together to foster a ‘Community of Communities of Practice’ across research domains to scale sample community engagement, develop sample identifier practice standards, and increase adoption globally. This Community of Communities offers a space to promote adoption of FAIR and CARE principles for physical samples.

A follow-on grant by the Sloan Foundation has enabled the recruitment of a Samples Community Manager and an Application Support Engineer to support the partnership. In close collaboration with the IGSN e.V., they have realized the following key steps of the transition process:

  • Engagement. Coordination with IGSN Members to communicate the timeline of the transition process and ensure their support. Onboarding them, if required, as DataCite Members or Consortium Organizations, and introducing DataCite services.
  • Technical Plans. Sharing of supporting technical documentation with IGSN Members, including an IGSN–DataCite metadata mapping and best practices.
  • Transitioning. Launching DataCite DOI services for registering IGSN IDs to firstly IGSN Members, and then all DataCite Members.
  • Aliasing. Re-registration of existing IGSN ID handles in DataCite DOI services and aliasing of handles to these DOIs to ensure continued resolution. The IGSN handle server is to be managed by DataCite in the long term.

This poster updates the community on the status of the IGSN–DataCite Partnership, focussing on both the transition process and the next steps of developing disciplinary Communities of Practice.

