Published December 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Tattoo as a Modern Design Practice

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to generalize theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the tattoos issue; to identify the specifics and lexemic content of the tattoo as a modern design practice. Identify and outline the styles, functions, and types of tattoos, depending on the content and features of the phenomenon. The article explores tattoos as a kind of design creativity. The crafted arts of the past millennia, with the progress of humankind, have evolved and formed the background for the development of art design practices, spiritual development of the individual. The process of applying a steady pattern to the body by the method of local injury of the skin with the introduction of dye pigment in the skin structure (dermis), resulting in in some cases the birth of masterpieces of body decoration, is a striking example of the graphic design art. The research methodology applies the following traditional art criticism methods: historical-cultural, reconstructive-model, historical-attributive, chronological description, which contributed to the disclosure of the evolution and transformation of tattoos within various cultural and historical contexts. Along with general scientific methods, the comparative method of comparative analysis was used, which made it possible to analyze the object of the study over the various cultural realities. Scientific novelty involves the insight of the artistic and stylistic peculiarities of a tattoo in the context of the tattoo design that practiced today. The basic means of forming the artistic and figurative characteristics of the modern tattoo are determined, the compositional methods of forming the artistic and figurative decisions by means of the styles and techniques of the modern tattoo are outlined. Conclusions. It has been revealed that the art of tattooing is an important area of modern design. It is characterized by imagery, artistic language, style, and technique. The idea of a tattoo is reflected in composite visual images created in a specific artistic style using specific technical means and techniques.



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