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Published March 21, 2023 | Version v1
Poster Open

Towards completing extrasolar systems with the TROY project

  • 1. Center for Astrobiology (CAB, CSIC-INTA)


In this poster I will provide an overview of the status of our TROY project aiming at detecting and constraining the presence of co-orbital planets/bodies in extrasolar systems. Co-orbitals do exist in our Solar System in the form of small (max- 400 km in size) asteroids trapped in the Lagrangian points of six out of the eight planets. However, planet formation theories allow their formation up to planetary sizes and dynamical stability confirms these 1:1 resonances are indeed stable in the long-term. Exploring these configurations has remained in the to-do list of the exoplanet exploration. With the TROY project we aim at filling this gap from an observational point of view with strong implications in planet formation and evolution. The first conclusions of the project will be presented.   



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