Published September 26, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Domain-adaptive Data Synthesis for Large-scale Supermarket Product Recognition

  • 1. TU Wien, Computer Vision Lab


Domain-Adaptive Data Synthesis for Large-Scale Supermarket Product Recognition

This repository contains the data synthesis pipeline and synthetic product recognition datasets proposed in [1].

Data Synthesis Pipeline:

We provide the Blender 3.1 project files and Python source code of our data synthesis pipeline, accompanied by the FastCUT models used for synthetic-to-real domain translation For the synthesis of new shelf images, a product assortment list and product images must be provided in the corresponding directories products/assortment/ and products/img/. The pipeline expects product images to follow the naming convention c.png, with c corresponding to a GTIN or generic class label (e.g., 9120050882171.png). The assortment list, assortment.csv, is expected to use the sample format [c, w, d, h], with c being the class label and w, d, and h being the packaging dimensions of the given product in mm (e.g., [4004218143128, 140, 70, 160]). The assortment list to use and the number of images to generate can be specified in (see comments). The rendering process is initiated by either executing from within Blender or within a command-line terminal as a background process. 


  • SG3k - Synthetic GroZi-3.2k (SG3k) dataset, consisting of 10,000 synthetic shelf images with 851,801 instances of 3,234 GroZi-3.2k products. Instance-level bounding boxes and generic class labels are provided for all product instances.
  • SG3kt - Domain-translated version of SGI3k, utilizing GroZi-3.2k as the target domain. Instance-level bounding boxes and generic class labels are provided for all product instances.
  • SGI3k - Synthetic GroZi-3.2k (SG3k) dataset, consisting of 10,000 synthetic shelf images with 838,696 instances of 1,063 GroZi-3.2k products. Instance-level bounding boxes and generic class labels are provided for all product instances.
  • SGI3kt - Domain-translated version of SGI3k, utilizing GroZi-3.2k as the target domain. Instance-level bounding boxes and generic class labels are provided for all product instances.
  • SPS8k - Synthetic Product Shelves 8k (SPS8k) dataset, comprised of 16,224 synthetic shelf images with 1,981,967 instances of 8,112 supermarket products. Instance-level bounding boxes and GTIN class labels are provided for all product instances.
  • SPS8kt - Domain-translated version of SPS8k, utilizing SKU110k as the target domain. Instance-level bounding boxes and GTIN class labels for all product instances.

Table 1: Dataset characteristics. 

Dataset #images #products #instances   labels     translation
SG3k 10,000 3,234 851,801 bounding box & generic class¹ none
SG3kt 10,000 3,234 851,801 bounding box & generic class¹ GroZi-3.2k
SGI3k 10,000 1,063 838,696 bounding box & generic class² none
SGI3kt 10,000 1,063 838,696 bounding box & generic class² GroZi-3.2k
SPS8k 16,224 8,112 1,981,967 bounding box & GTIN none
SPS8kt 16,224 8,112 1,981,967 bounding box & GTIN SKU110k


Sample Format

A sample consists of an RGB image (i.png) and an accompanying label file (i.txt), which contains the labels for all product instances present in the image. Labels use the YOLO format [c, x, y, w, h].

¹SG3k and SG3kt use generic pseudo-GTIN class labels, created by combining the GroZi-3.2k food product category number i (1-27) with the product image index j (j.jpg), following the convention i0000j (e.g., 13000097).

²SGI3k and SGI3kt use the generic GroZi-3.2k class labels from

Download and Use
This data may be used for non-commercial research purposes only. If you publish material based on this data, we request that you include a reference to our paper [1].

[1] Strohmayer, Julian, and Martin Kampel. "Domain-Adaptive Data Synthesis for Large-Scale Supermarket Product Recognition." International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

BibTeX citation:

  title={Domain-Adaptive Data Synthesis for Large-Scale Supermarket Product Recognition},
  author={Strohmayer, Julian and Kampel, Martin},
  booktitle={International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns},


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