[IO Islamic 723] شرح مثنوى تصنيف نور الله
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- Sharḥ-i-mathnawî.
- This manuscript is now IO Islamic 1104 in the India Office collections.
- [metadata: Hermann Ethé, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, 2 vols. (Oxford: India Office, 1903): volume 1, number 723 here with notations and hyperlinks].
Sharḥ-i-mathnawî, by Nûr-allâh ( شرح مثنوى تصنيف نور الله).
A commentary on the mathnawî, by Shâh Mîr Muḥammad Nûr-allâh Aḥrârî (see fol. 2a, l. 1), also called Akbarâbâdî (see Rieu ii. p. 592), who, if he is identical with the Mîr Nûr-allâh, mentioned, in Rieu ii. p. 604, as the master of ‘Abd-alrasûl alḳurashî, who submitted to him his commentary on the Bûstân, composed A.H. 1073 (A.D. 1662, 1663), must have been a younger contemporary of ‘Abd-allaṭîf, the editor and commentator of the same mathnawî, whom he often quotes and corrects. Other copies of this work are noticed in Rieu, loc. cit.; Bodleian Cat., No. 669, and A. Sprenger, Catal., pp. 495 and 496. Beginning: الحمد لله العلى الاعلى الوهّاب الذى انزل على عبده الكتاب هدى للمتّقين الخ.
Daftar I, on fol. 2b.
This daftar is incomplete, it breaks off on fol. 67b in consequence of a lacuna.
Beginning of Daftar II, on fol. 68b:تا نزايد بخت تو فرزند نو الخ لفظ بخت اگرچه بفتح اوّل مشهور است امّا بضمّ اوّل الخ.
Beginning of Daftar III, on fol. 119b: اى ضياء الحق حسام الدين بيار – اين سوم دفتر كه سنّت شد سه بار‘ سنّت خود مطلق بمراعات عدد طاق است الخ.
Beginning of Daftar IV, on fol. 171a: دفتر چهارم باقئ حكايت آن عاشق‘ گر زيان كردم الخ يعنى اگر از وى نمى گریختم مرا میگرفت الخ.
Beginning of Daftar V, on fol. 207b: شه حسام الدين كه نور انجم است – طالب آغاز سفر پنجم است‘ سفر بكسر اوّل كتاب و نامه اينجا بمعنئ كتاب مناسب است الخ.
Beginning of Daftar VI, on fol. 240b: شد دهان شان تلخ زان شرم و خجل – كه قرين شد نام اعظم با اقل‘ خجل بفتحتين مصدر است الخ.
The second daftar is dated the 26th of Ramadân, A.H. 1158 (A.D. 1745, Oct. 22); the rest is without a date. All the introductions to the text, written in red on the first 144 leaves, are entirely omitted from fol. 145 down to the end.
No. 723, ff. 282, ll. 15-20; written by many different hands, partly in Nasta’lîḳ, partly in Shikasta; size, 8 in. by 41/8 – 43/8 in.
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