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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published March 18, 2023 | Version 1.1
Software Open

Molecular simulations of the N-terminal domain of CPEB4

  • 1. University of Copenhagen


This repository contains Python code, Jupyter Notebook, simulation trajectories, and data for reproducing the simulation results of the manuscript Kinetic stabilization of translation-repression condensates by a neuron-specific microexon


  • analyses.ipynb Jupyter Notebook to analyze all the simulation data and generate plots
  • direct-coexistence/ Data and Python code related to multi-chain simulations of the CALVADOS model in slab geometry. Simulations are performed using openMM v7.5
  • multimers/ Data and Python code related to multi-chain simulations of multimer formation. Simulations are performed using openMM v7.5 and analysed using OVITO Basic v3.7
  • slab_trajectories.tar.bz2 simulation trajectories of multimer formation
  • multimers_trajectories.tar.bz2 direct-coexistence simulation trajectories

Python code and Jupyter notebook are also available on GitHub at


To open the Notebooks, install Miniconda and make sure all required packages are installed by issuing the following terminal commands

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    source activate cpeb4


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InMIND – Intervention in Neurodegenerative disorders via Mechanistic INsight into liquid-like Droplets 101025063
European Commission