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Published March 17, 2023 | Version v1
Book chapter Restricted

The Past, Present and Future of Technologies for Improved Water Management

  • 1. IHE Delft Institute for Water Education


Life depends on the availability of water, which is both finite and vulnerable. Unfortunately, humans, a small proportion of the living entities in the planet, are responsible for making water availability challenging for all, triggering global changes such as population growth, deforestation, pollution, urbanisation and climate change, and therefore it is our responsibility to bring the balance between development and environment back to normal. Arguably, the only way to respond to this situation is by strengthening science, applying and developing technologies that we create, and keep creating new, innovative tools. This chapter reviews some of the past and present technologies for improved water management and provides insights on the future paths they may take.



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European Commission
NAIADES – A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector 820985