Traditional and Electronic Books in the Light of Issue of Books and Reading Promotion
The purpose of the article is to determine the place of traditional and electronic books in the process of books and reading promotion. The main methodological principles have been the principles of analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to determine the significance and place of the reading culture as one of the components of the information culture of the society, realizing the need to create conditions for reviving interest in reading and increasing its prestige. A statistical method has been applied to identify the significance of printed, electronic and audio books among other forms of leisure. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the synthesis of traditional and new forms of books to ensure the spread of text communication. Conclusions. Thus, traditional and electronic books, while remaining the same source of knowledge, have both advantages and disadvantages. In particular, a traditional book can be perceived as a work of art for aesthetic pleasure, collecting, have exclusivity and the ability to get the signature of the author, and also be used without technical devices. While the electronic text is not felt, but is exclusively visual. However, the electronic book also has a number of advantages associated with the creation of new information resources, accelerates communication processes and allows you to organize processes of production, storage and dissemination of information at a qualitatively new level. In addition, thanks to technologies such as animation, compactness, multidimensionality of information transmission, emotional impact on the reader’s perception, reduction of publication costs, authors’ ability to post material without involving publishers and, finally, environmental friendliness (helps prevent deforestation), an interactive book can compete successfully with Internet resources and television, to engage children and youth in active and developing reading. It remains indisputable that both traditional and electronic books have cognitive, educational and developmental functions, using modern multimedia tools to disseminate their own preferences. Therefore, you should not consider traditional and electronic books as competitors, on the contrary, you should understand that all forms of a book have a common goal – the dissemination and improvement of the reading culture. So, society should tune in to the synthesis of a traditional and new way and form of spreading text communication. At the same time, the global trend indicates a decrease in interest in reading and a decrease in the share of actively reading population, which we consider a threat to the future of the country, because the deficit of knowledge and constructive ideas is growing. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the revival of interest in reading, improving the quality and variety of read literature in all areas of knowledge, exchange of opinions about what has been read, and increasing the prestige of reading as a cultural value.
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