D6.2 – First report on the status of organisation of training events and activities, including validation surveys. V1.0
The current document D6.2 describes and details the structure of the training and education strategy and the plans of the events that have taken place at the time of writing and those planned for the remaining project lifetime. Various criteria are used to sort most of the planned activities: a distinction is made based on the subject (HPC, quantum chemistry), between the planned, upcoming and future events, between events internal to the consortium and events open to external audiences. Document D6.2 is structured into 6 Chapters. Chapter 2 outlines the overall training and education strategy. Internal training and education activities are described in Chapter 3. The largest section, Chapter 4, describes the activities open to external audiences. Chapter 5 deals with the impact of the events. Chapter 6 gives the summary and perspectives.
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