Published January 29, 2021 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

D6.1 – Training and Education Strategy and Plan V1.0

  • 1. STUBA


The current document D6.1 describes the structure and details of the training and education strategy and the plans for the events that will take place during the TREX project lifetime. The details included are the best available at the time of writing (regular updates are envisaged in due course). In addition to the training/education event and audience types mentioned above, various criteria are used to sort most of the planned activities: a distinction is made based on the subject (HPC, quantum chemistry), or between the planned and additional events, or between events internal to the consortium and events open to an external audience. Document D6.1 thus contains a description of the overall strategy (Chapter 2) together with an overview and timeline for the planned events, internal training and education activities (Chapter 3), and, activities open to external audiences (Chapter 4). The events with an external outreach are each summarised on a summary sheet that includes the currently available details (place, format, content, requirements, objectives, etc.). The early events are generally more detailed than the later ones. Promotion of training activities and engagement (Chapter 5) is followed by the Summary and perspectives (Chapter 6).



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European Commission
TREX – Targeting Real chemical accuracy at the EXascale 952165