Published September 27, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Remote Sensing Analysis of Geologic Hazards

  • 1. Italian National Research Council
  • 2. Centro Tecnológico de Telecomunicaciones de Cataluña (CTTC)


In recent decades, classical survey techniques (i.e., field measurements and aerial remote sensing) have evolved, and with the advent of new technologies—e.g., terrestrial radar interferometry [ 1,2], digital time-lapse cameras [ 3], terrestrial and aerial laser scanners [4 ,5 ] and platforms, e.g., UAV [6, 7]—remote sensing systems have become popular and widely used in geosciences. Contactless devices are not invasive and allow measuring without accessing the investigated area. This is an excellent advantage as earth surface processes often occur in remote areas and can be potentially dangerous or difficult to access [8]. Satellite and aerial remote sensing offer the possibility of surveying large areas, using hyperspectral optical [8 ,9 ], synthetic aperture radar (SAR) [10, 11 ] and thermal infrared [ 12 , 13] images and altimetric lasers [14 ]. The progressive rise in available public and private satellite constellations has permitted individuals to reach very high-resolution images at weekly to daily revisit time. On the other hand, ground-based surveys usually have higher acquisition frequency and spatial resolution compared to satellite systems, and they are able to observe the evolution of fast processes and their possible paroxysmal phase, e.g., volcanic eruptions [ 15 ,16 ], glacier instabilities [ 17], landslides [18 ,19 ], and floods [ 20, 21 ]. For their characteristics, proximal sensing applications are often used in monitoring activities at a short revisit time, as they can provide real-time or near-real-time information [22 ]. Therefore, they can be of great support in early warning procedures and risk assessment and management [ 23, 24 ]. Combined with aerospace sensors, contactless terrestrial devices are particularly suitable for data-fusion techniques, multi-scale approaches and supporting
numerical model analysis [25–28]. Satellite and terrestrial remote sensing are of paramount importance in specific tasks of geologic hazard analysis. This Special Issue has collected ten papers concerned with recent and upcoming advances in remote sensing applications in geologic hazard analysis. In particular, this Special Issue includes studies about satellite and terrestrial contactless
devices for detecting, monitoring and analyzing geologic processes, as well as new dataprocessing and warning techniques (Figure 1).



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