Published March 13, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

Participatory Action Research in Teachers: Designing Lessons to Fulfill Children's Rights

  • 1. (Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia)


This activity was motivated by the phenomenon of violence against children in schools, both by teachers and fellow students. This symptom indicates that the child's right to live comfortably and get an education have not been fulfilled. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the role of teachers in fulfilling children's rights in schools. Professional teachers understand the curriculum and can fulfill children's rights at school in the learning process. This activity aimed to increase teachers' knowledge about children's rights and skills in developing child rights-based learning designs. 22 Kindergarten teachers from Purwokerto, Central Java, were participated in this activity. Participatory action research was carried out in four stages: planning, action, reflection, and evaluation. The activity results showed an increase in teachers' knowledge about fulfilling children's rights with an achievement level of 77, 28%; There was a change in preparing children's rights-based learning designs with an achievement level of 68.2%. For further researchers, it is suggested to study children's rights from various studies, for example, ecological studies or the impact of fulfilling children's rights on children's psychological developmen



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